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What Brings you Here?

Gall Bladder Issues?

Gall Bladder Issues? by Egina Beldon English Translation by Courtney Hanrahan and Richard Laurion I’ve got this point on my right side, here. I wondered what it might be.  I never heard of this but someone said it could be my gallbladder. The first time it... read more

A Bike Accident

Bike Accident by Jimmy Beldon, Jr. English Translation by Courtney Hanrahan and Richard Laurion Ow! My shoulder is in so much pain. Last night while I was riding my bike I flipped and slammed my shoulder on the ground.  I think it’s broken — I can hardly lift it... read more

A Persistent Cough

Persistent Cough by Elizabeth Beldon English Summary by Courtney Hanrahan and Richard Laurion I toss and turn at night and cannot get to sleep.  I keep struggling with this.   I have this constant painful cough. And, remember, you told me I can’t get the flu... read more

Chronic Headaches

Chronic Headaches by Estina Beldon English Summary by Doug Bowen-Bailey I came today because I am concerned about my headaches. It’s been going on for a while. I started getting headaches about 3 or 4 years ago.  Not sure if it has something to do with my sleep... read more