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An Appointment in Gastroenterology

Describing Recommended Procedures – Consecutive

The appointment is divided into two sections. In the first segment, the nurse is seeking to gather background information from the patient. The second section is the nurse talking to the patient after the doctor was in to talk to her. (For this project, we did not... read more

Describing Recommended Procedures – Interpretation

Describing Recommended Procedures – Interpretation With the framework provided, now go ahead and view the interpretations. You may choose to focus on one of the features or strategies which Dr. Metzger suggests are a part of interpreted interactions. This video... read more

Describing Recommended Procedures – Simultaneous Format

Describing Recommended Procedures – Simultaneous Format With the framework provided, now go ahead and view the interpretations. You may choose to focus on one of the features or strategies which Dr. Metzger suggests are a part of interpreted interactions.... read more

Describing Recommended Procedures – Transcript

Describing Recommended Procedures – Transcript Note that the transcript represents the ASL to English interpretation, rather than attempting a transcription of the ASL source. A possible activity could be to use the this transcript to compare to the source and... read more

Meet Cara Barnett

She gives her name and then explains you will see her more in later videos. She grew up in a Deaf family immersed in ASL. She got a BA in ASL Studies from Gallaudet and then moved to Minnesota to teach at the University of Minnesota. She has taught ASL there for 8... read more

Overview of GI Procedures – Transcript

Overview of GI Procedures – Transcript Hi, my name is Mary Jane Harrington, I’m a GI nurse with Health Partners Riverside … GI stands for gastroenterology. We look at everything that has to do with your digestive tract and your digestive system. We’re here... read more