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Managing Waiting in an Exam Room

Editor’s Note:  In the comments to Jimmy Beldon’s previous post, someone raised the possibility of stepping out of the exam room to wait for the doctor or nurse in the hall to be sure they were familiar with how to work with an interpreter. Here is a follow-up commentary by Amy Williamson-Loga posing some questions […]

Working with a CDI

by Trudy Suggs As a Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI), one of the most common questions I am asked, by both deaf and hearing people, is if being a CDI means I am skilled with gestural communication, or work with DeafBlind people. I always clarify that I don’t necessarily specialize in gestural communication. I do work […]

Role Confusion?

by Jimmy Beldon Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey I want a share a story of an experience with an interpreter who forgot the human factor. I realize it is important for interpreters to maintain boundaries, but sometimes, it can go too far. This happened right after the birth of our child. The new parents had to […]

Dealing with Varying Ages

by Amy Williamson-Loga Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey I recently interpreted a medical situation where the patient was a Deaf boy who was of middle-school age. His parents were also Deaf. Now, before I go into any situation, I spend some time thinking of how I can best match the language usage of the people I […]

Managing the Waiting Room

by Trudy Suggs Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey For me, one of the things I detest about medical appointments is dealing with the waiting room. Obviously, there is the challenge of trying to know when I am called. But in regards to interpreters, there is a list of challenges. I’ll share a story about an experience […]