Meet Cara Barnett
One relevant detail not mentioned in this introduction is that Cara was the ASL language model for the CD-ROM, “STOMACH THIS!: The Digestive System in ASL and English.”
An Interpretation by Cara Barnett and Nancy Niggley
In this version, Cara’s interpretation is featured, but Nancy’s feed is shown in a box in the upper right corner. This allows you to see the dynamics of what Nancy offered and what Cara did with that original interpretation.
For Deaf Interpreters:
Practice with a Feed from Nancy Niggley
This video represents the feed which Cara received in producing her interpretation. You can use this as a source in creating an ASL interpretation. Because of the dynamics of creating an interpretation, it is important that you are very familiar with the text…since Nancy doesn’t necessary complete all of her ideas because Cara made predictions based on her knowledge of the situation and topic. For a more complete feed, you can use the original video below.
Perspectives from the Interpreters
This interpretation actually represents the first time that Cara and Nancy have worked together in this fashion. Moreover, Nancy acknowledges that she is a “novice” at this type of teaming. The goal of including this work is not to represent it as the model product, but as a process for others to look at, learn from, and practice. In this light, we offer perspectives from both Cara and Nancy, as well as a short clip of Cara and Nancy?s first effort.
Perspectives from Cara Barnett
Cara offers her perspective on the process of working with Nancy Niggley to create an interpretation.
A Sample from the First Take
Cara, in her perspectives, refers to the fact that the sample interpretation shown was actually the second attempt. She also mentions that in her second attempt, she made a miscue in terms of the spatial description of the large intestine. This clip shows the portion of the first interpretation which demonstrated a more accurate spatial representation of the anatomy of the large intestine. (0:41)
Perspective from Nancy
Nancy offers her own perspectives on the process of working together with Cara.