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An image of heart and blood vessles; veins are blue and arteries are redCardiovascular Foundations

Preparations for Interpreting about the Cardiovascular System

A Sample Consecutive Interpretation and Analysis – English to ASL

by Bridget Sabatke

Video Analysis
Some overall thoughts about the work were that the register and affect were appropriate, or as appropriate as a small woman can get for a man.  The register was served well by the formal/consultative level of vocabulary used.  The affect didn’t sound overly feminine because sentences typically ended with a tone of voice that went down rather than up.  The pace and emphasis on key words made the work easy to listen to and understand. Things that were challenges for me were the pace and the specialized vocabulary that were presented through fingerspelling.

As a disclaimer, I had recently researched and pre-watched this source before interpreting. There were a few areas that felt like they could use improvement as I reviewed the work.  There were a few areas where there were unnatural pauses in the middle of a sentence.  At :53 I was trying to figure out whether he meant a baseball or a softball and was drawing from my knowledge of anatomy.  At 7:50 I said “Very thickly…musculatured”  and since that didn’t seem to work I went back and re-constructed the sentence. There were some times that I struggled to put in English that which was so beautifully expressed in ASL, like at 1:30 when he split the heart in half and showed the cavities that were the ventricles an atria. At 3:30 I made the conscious decision to delete his statement that the V from visit matched the V from Veins as a way to remember the vocabulary.

At the time I made that decision to delete it because it didn’t feel like it would translate well into English, but upon further consideration, it would have been effective to keep that chunk. At 6:30 there was a miscue because of my own schema.  When he was talking about a system branching out, I automatically went to the lungs, and started discussing alveoli.  In fact, he was discussing how blood vessels branch out into smaller parts and turn into capillaries. Thanks for your consideration of this feedback! I hope it helps on your journey.


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