When the Law Meets Medicine: Translating Written English Texts into American Sign Language for Deaf and Hearing Interpreters By Doug Bowen-Bailey & Trudy Suggs A resource for Deaf and Hearing interpreters working on translating written English texts into American Sign Language. Meet the Authors Doug Bowen-Bailey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaNv_2kxUm0 I live and work in Duluth, Minnesota on the shores of Lake Superior. Where I live means that it is impossible for me to specialize in a way that I could in a larger city. So, I end up wearing many hats. I am hearing and work as an interpreter. I also [...]
Take These Meds Interpreting Visits to a Pharmacy Take These Meds: A Study Packet by Doug Bowen-Bailey (November 2005) This study packet is designed to accompany the DVD of the same name. It guides users in working with the three scenarios on the DVD which was filmed with Deaf customers asking questions of a pharmacist. The packet includes reflections from all of the interpreters so you have a sense of what influenced their decision-making process. Online version of this study packet is in the development pipeline. Links for Preparation Each segment now includes links for preparation that are referenced in [...]
All in Due Time: Perspectives on Childbirth from Deaf Parents Featuring: This resource features video from 6 sets of Deaf parents sharing their perspectives on childbirth. It is an excellent resource for learning about the different situations that may come up related to childbirth – including medical conditions and procedure and how Deaf people might talk about them in ASL. Additionally, this is a great opportunity to look at how gender affects communication styles. This was originally created as 2 CD-ROMs containing almost two hours of video. It is now completely available on the web. Study Materials
To the Heart of the Matter: The Cardiovascular System in ASL and English with Paul Buttenhoff and Kendall Kail Interpretations by Patty McCutcheon Produced by Todd Tourville An exploration of the cardiovascular system with lectures in both spoken English and ASL, this resource is an excellent opportunity for interpreters to develop their understanding of anatomy and practice their skills for both academic and clinical settings. Educational Purposes This project was produced with many different possibilities for use. What is suggested here is to use this as a tool to help further the development of technical interpreting skills in a typical [...]
Featuring: Dr. Stephen Riendl Roger Brown Anna Rabbers-Brown with interpretations by Nancy Niggley This resource features a life-like appointment in cardiology that provides you the opportunity to both view the interpretation created during the filming and practice interpreting it yourself. The video is formatted for both simultaneous and consecutive practice. Use the links in the menu to the right (or below on a mobile device) to navigate to pages. A creation of the College of St. Catherine in partnership with SLICES, LLC. © 2003 RSA Region V ITP Award #H160A000008 Layout and Design by Digiterp Communications License Information The contents [...]
Interpreting a Visit to an Emergency Department Funded with support from The BlueCross and BlueShield Foundation of Minnesota Created by Doug Bowen-Bailey for (c) The College of St. Catherine, 2005 in collaboration with St. Mary’s/Duluth Clinic Health System, Digiterp Communications, LLC., and SLICES, LLC. This video shows a simulated visit to an emergency department by a Deaf patient and allows interpreters the chance to practice their interpreting skills in emergent care. The video on the DVD offers both consecutive and simultaneous formats, as well as a version showing the actual interpretation generated during filming. Online, the video is currently only [...]
This course will be available August 1-31. This offering comes from the explanation and perspective of a Deaf Audiologist. It will introduce you to fundamental background information about the general process of hearing, hearing-related appointments, and assistive technology you may be in contact with during these interactions.