Canvas Commons Resources
Welcome to the resources created by and/or adapted the CATIE Center at St. Catherine University for the Behavioral Health Interpreting (BHI) project. We invite you to incorporate the activities and resources into your existing interpreter education efforts to support working interpreters growing as professionals who deliver high quality services.
The posts below contain course material that can be easily transferred into a Learning Management System. Housed in Canvas Commons, you can download a Common Cartridge file and transfer it to another LMS that uses this format, such as D2L/Bright Space, Moodle, myCourses or Blackboard.
All of them are provided with a Creative Commons license that allows you to both use and adapt them as long as you credit the CATIE Center with the original creation.
Click here for a tutorial on how to transfer a course from Canvas Commons to another LMS. (Available in both written English and an ASL video)
These intensive online 20-hour modules contain English content and videos in American Sign Language, knowledge check-ins, and activities to support interpreters in increasing their knowledge and skills around various behavioral healthcare interpreting topics. These individual modules are meant to serve as one avenue for knowledge and skill enhancement.
These 90-minute online webshops contain English content and videos in American Sign Language, knowledge check-ins, and activities to support interpreters in increasing their familiarity around various behavioral healthcare interpreting topics. These individual webshops are meant to serve as one avenue of introductory knowledge and skill enhancement.