
Role Confusion?

by Jimmy Beldon Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey I want a share a story of an experience with an interpreter who forgot the human factor. I realize it is important for interpreters to maintain boundaries, but sometimes, it can go too far. This happened right after the... read more

Dealing with Varying Ages

by Amy Williamson-Loga Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey I recently interpreted a medical situation where the patient was a Deaf boy who was of middle-school age. His parents were also Deaf. Now, before I go into any situation, I spend some time thinking of how I can... read more

Managing the Waiting Room

by Trudy Suggs Translation by Doug Bowen-Bailey For me, one of the things I detest about medical appointments is dealing with the waiting room. Obviously, there is the challenge of trying to know when I am called. But in regards to interpreters, there is a list of... read more